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当前位置: 首页 > 产品中心 > Other_natural_proteins > 细胞技术/Mito-Flo/100/FLO200
商品编号: FLO200
品牌: celltechnology
市场价: ¥9500.00
美元价: 4750.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: 其它天然蛋白
公司分类: Other_natural_proteins
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com
  • Description
  • Additional Information
  • Readable Documents
  • Assay Principle
  • Reviews

Key Benefits

  • Cell Permeable, Easy One Color Assay for Flow Cytometry.
  • Can be used with both suspension and monolayer adherent cell lines.
  • Adaptable for High Throughput format.
  • Compatible with other antibodies or stains. For example flourescent protein expression vectors.
  • Applications – Flow Cytometry.

Additional information

Kit Size

100, 500

Cell Technology’s Mito Flow assay utilizes a cationic dye to visualize mitochondrial membrane potential (5-7). The Mito Flow reagent is a cell permeable cationic dye that has a strong fluorescent signal and exhibits low membrane potential independent (non specific) binding and toxicity. In healthy cells the Mito Flow reagent is accumulated by the mitochondria in proportion to the DeltaPsi (membrane potential). In most cell lines, accumulation of the Mito Flow reagent in the mitochondria results in a higher fluorescence intensity. In apoptotic cells, where the mitochondrial membrane potential is compromised, the Mito Flow reagent does not get accumulated in the mitochondria and these cells exhibit a lower fluorescence signal.

(A)Figure 1. Jurkat cells were stimulated with DMSO for 3 hours. Cells were then stained by Mito Flow and analyzed by Flow Cytometry

(B)Figure 1. Jurkat cells were stimulated with Staurosporine for 3 hours. Cells were then stained by Mito Flow and analyzed by Flow Cytometry

Document Title
Mito Flow Protocol
Mito Flow Datasheet
msds.Mito Flo
TitleFileLinkAuthor(s)JournalYear; Edition:Pages
Protective effects of veskamide, enferamide, becatamide, and oretamide on H2O2-induced apoptosis of PC-12 cellshttp://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B7GVW-529SW55-7&_user=10&_coverDate=03%2F05%2F2011&_rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_orig=gateway&_origin=gateway&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=42a1e1b8c7f5c7ef2a670de8c3eab374&searchtype=aJae B ParkPhytomedicineMarch 2011 - doi:10.1016/j.phymed.2011.01.025
Desagher, S., Osen-Sand, A., Nichols, A., Eskes, R., Montessuit, S., Lauper, S., Maundrell, K., Antonsson, B., and Martinou, J.C. Bid-induced conformational change of Bax is responsible for mitochondrial cytochrome c release during apoptosis. J. Cell Biol. 144 (5): 891-901 (1999).
Narita, M., Shimizu, S., Ito, T., Chittenden, T., Lutz, R. J., Matsuda, H., and Tsujimoto, Y. Bax interacts with the permeability transition pore to induce permeability transition and cytochrome c release in isolated mitochondria. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 95: 14681-14686 (1998).
Basanez, G., Nechushtan, A., Drozhinin, O., Chanturiya, A., Choe, E., Tutt, S., Wood, K. A., Hsu, Y. T.,Zimmerberg, J., and Youle, R. J. Bax , but not Bcl-XL decreases the lifetime of planar phospholipid bilayer membranes at subnanomolar concentrations. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96: 5492-5497 (1999).
Luo, X., Budihardio, I., Zou, H., Slaughter, C., and Wang, X. Bid, a Bcl-2 interacting protein, mediates cytochrome c release from mitochondria in response to activation of cell surface death receptors. Cell 94: 481-490 (1998).
Ehrenberg B, Montana V, Wei MD, Wuskell JP, Loew LM. Membrane potential can be determined in individual cells from the nernstian distribution of cationic dyes. Biophys J. 1988 May;53(5):785-94.
Farkas DL, Wei MD, Febbroriello P, Carson JH, Loew LM. Simultaneous imaging of cell and mitochondrial membrane potentials. : Biophys J. 1989 Dec;56(6):1053-69. Erratum in: Biophys J 1990 Mar;57(3):following 684.
Russell C. Scaduto, Jr. and Lee W. Grotyohann. Measurement of mitochondrial membrane potential using fluorescent rhodamine derivatives. Biophys J. 1999 Jan;76(1 Pt 1):469-77.
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Part # 4004Vial of Mito Flow Dye2 - 8 C
Part # 300410X Dilution Buffer2 - 8 C

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